David began working in Qumran in April of 1989 as an excavation volunteer. He is currently helping to fund and promote a number projects that are being sponsored  by QCP (Qumran Cave Project Group) in conjunction with Dr. Oren Gutfeld of Hebrew University. The goal is to begin a systematic exploration of the 240 caves in the area with special focus on sites like the Cave of the Column.

David has worked with, sponsored, or otherwise volunteered on excavations with numerous archaeologists including Dr. Gutfeld, Dr. Ivan Ordentlich, Baruch Safrai, Lawrence Banks, Benny Arubas, Shimon Riklin and Vendyl Jones.

Areas of interest include the history of ancient civilizations and their connection to corresponding biblical accounts with a special focus on reconstructing pre-flood history recorded in post-flood documents. Additional research includes the Egyptian chronology of the early post-flood period and the evolution of false religions.

David's area of expertise is the mathematic nature of God's Name(s) as they relate to the geometry of the evan shetiyah (foundation stone) and its curious connection to celestial dynamics, quantum mechanics, string theory and other scientific disciplines.



Founder & Advisor

Below: Photo taken at Qumran April 1989